February 8, 2010

Project Topic

YouTube and Cloud computing

Youtube is using cloud as their platform. However, they limit access to some newly-released videos when there are too many requests coming concurrently. This can happen for days.
My questions:
What is the real situation (how many requests that need to be submitted for Youtube to start limiting access, hence the limit of cloud computing's capacity) ?
Are there any reasons why Youtube is not working on it, or if they are trying to fix that, what are stopping them from achieving any results so far?


  1. Dear fellow CPE802 coursemate,

    We're Sharlene and Sandra and we LOVE your idea. If you're kind and willing, we'd love to join your group. We promise we're not slackers and even if you do not accede to our request, we won't your idea. Please get back to us soon.

    Sharlene & Sandra

  2. Hello again,

    I meant, if you don't want us as groupmates, we won't steal you idea.

    Sharlene & Sharlene

  3. Halo!

    Sorry for this late reply. Thank you for contacting.

    Have you found a group now yet?

    I am more than glad to have you as my group mates. I have just started the project again after my long holidays.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Best Regards,

  4. Hi Trang, sorry for our late reply. We would love to join you for the group project :)

    Shall we discuss about it during the Tuesday class?
    We will see you on Tuesday then! :D

    Sharlene & Sandra

  5. Hi Sharlene and Sandra,

    Sure! See you on Tues.

    Btw, I would like to send you some documents on the project. May I know your emails? Thanks!


  6. Hi I've emailed you via edventure, please check your ntu email. Thanks!
