January 18, 2010

Meeting 2 (Originally: "Some interesting questions from Meetings")

I decide to switch this piece into "Meeting 2", because I want to blog what I did in each class, and also certain questions of mine (thought of after class), but not considering them as "interesting".

Interesting questions:

1. Create a software version of Ticker tape, virtual reader as well ! (from Harish)

2. Where can we buy Ticker Tape? (from maxaevi_)

Lecture Outline: http://cpe802.pbworks.com/MeetingOne

Lecture Slide: http://cpe802.pbwiki.com/f/cpe802-mtg1.pdf

Here are my question(s):

1. How do I blog using open source software?

2. How do we ensure the security of trading systems that use OSS?

(to be updated)

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